After a decade of practicing Eastern medicine, the acupuncturist and healer launched Apothecai, a transformative line of botanical supplements.
What are some things people can do throughout the day to feel good? In the morning, eat a protein-based breakfast to fuel the body and preserve your precious chi reserves. This is also the time to to handle projects that require more focus. If you spend a lot of time sitting throughout the day, take movement breaks to activate circulation: I love the 7 Minute Workout app or a rebounder for this. Invite more mindfulness into your day by avoiding unrealistic scheduling.
Do you adhere to a certain diet? I’d describe myself as a flexitarian, with a predominantly organic, whole food approach. I’m staunchly gluten-free, and my body is happiest when I eat my own home-cooked food.
What are some of your wellness rituals? I have a long-standing self-cultivation process involving breathwork, self-accountability, body awareness and more. V steam therapy, ionic detox foot soaks and infrared saunas are all a part of my routine, and I soak in a salt bath almost every night, especially after a long day at the clinic.
So much in the wellness sphere seems gimmicky. What practices are legit? I believe in finding balance and rhythm with nature—and with your own nature. It’s important to remember that there are no quick fixes. I’ve explored Eastern medicine and acupuncture in great depth and am still in awe of the intelligence of these systems to resolve long-standing issues and trauma, and bring about balance and vitality in both tangible and intangible ways.