Ashley Lewis and Meredith Schroeder, two former Goop employees, applied their editorial prowess to launch Fleur Marché, a new luxury e-commerce site devoted to the benefits of CBD.
Why CBD? Schroeder: I realized on my own personal journey how profound the effects were for my daily anxieties, pain management, workout recovery and as an occasional sleep aid. It gave me the tools to be more patient at home, focus, prioritize work better and improve my overall balance both physically and mentally.
How did CBD first factor into your life? Schroeder: I tried it for my pretty excruciating menstrual symptoms that I’ve had for the better part of 15 years and instantly became a believer. It was more effective than any pain reliever I had tried and didn’t make me feel yucky.
How do you stay energized throughout the day? Lewis: If I’m feeling really tired, I’ll go outside and sit in the sun for a minute. The vitamin D infusion helps wake me up and get me going again. CBD is also awesome for energy and focus, so I’ll take some of Yuyo Botanics’ AM Formula to keep me focused and alert.